The flight down was Noah's first plane ride and he was an absolute angel. He didn't make a peep! Esme was the difficult one as she was 17 months old and didn't want to be contained in one spot for 5 hours. Luckily, we got one of the only spare seats on the plane and Esme was able to sit between us which gave her a touch more space. You don't have to buy seats for little ones until they are 2 so this was a big bonus!
View of the Strip from Gramps and Gram's House
We decided to go swimming on our fist day but it was very cold! Esme loved it, despite the freezing temps, and didn't want to get out! I think we nearly gave her hypothermia! I don't think we managed a temp greater than 70 our entire trip!
*** Grandma Marcia asked me not to put pictures of her on the internet, just in case you're wondering where she is!
We took a day trip out to the Hoover Dam. It is something that I have always wanted to see and I thought it would be a nice family day out. Gram decided to stay home so the four of us ventured out on our own. We had a great day looking around the Hoover Dam and enjoying the scenery. It really is magnificent- the view from the new bridge is amazing!
The fam on the bridge
Lovely view

The reservoir
That evening, Gram took us to the Freemont Street Experience. We knew Esme would love it as she is a dancing machine and absolutely LOVES music. Noah just rode around in his Ergo baby carrier- everyone told us what a beautiful little girl he is! I think it is the hair :)

We also took a day trip out to Death Valley. We weren't expecting to love it as much as we did- it was spectacular! We didn' give ourselves near enough time to see everything we wanted to see and want to go back.
The sand dunes were definitely our favorite part of the day. Esme was able to run around and climb the dunes and the scenery was breathtaking.
The fam at the dunes
One of my favorite pictures from Death Valley
During our visit, we spent time doing what Gram and Brie do best: shopping! Gram took us to Kohl's and got the kids and I some new clothes. We also went to Dillard's! Gram filled our bags with treasures for our birthdays and we couldn't be more thankful. We are really lucky to have a gram/great gram like her!
Gram also encouraged Stephen and I to go to a show while we were in town. She even offered to babysit! After a lot of waffling, we decided to go and see Beatles LOVE at the Mirage. We have always wanted to see a Cirque Du Soleil show and this was our perfect opportunity! The show was remarkable and definitely worth the money!
It was very cute coming home from the show to see Gram sleeping on the couch with Noah and little Miss Esme asleep on the floor beside them. So adorable!
Here are a few pics of the kids during the trip...
Esme was taken with the fly swatter...
Handsome little Prince

One our final day, we went into town and met up with Jeanne and Larry. I have very fond childhood memories of Jeanne. We would always bake cookies together when I went to Michigan on Christmas. It was really lovely to see her again and to meet her husband Larry. I am glad our holidays intersected!
Gram was a great host. She spoiled us with lovely meals and presents and we had a fantastic time. We got to meet her new puppy, Randall, and see all of my other "Aunts and Uncles" aka the Heelers! We are grateful to have our Gram in our lives and look forward to a trip to Las Vegas in the near future...and hopefully Gramps will be able to be there this time!
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