Noah's three month appointment:
Weight: 13 lb 15 oz
Length: 25 inches
Head: 42 cm
The doctor said Noah is a healthy, happy baby and that he was growing at a normal rate. His weight is in the 50th percentile and his height the 75th. When I mentioned Noah's issue with spitting up, he said as long as he isn't in pain (which he isn't) it is fine as he is gaining weight at an appropriate rate.
I usually go with an extended vaccination schedule, but due to our impending move, the Dr feels that it is best for Noah to be fully vaccinated before international travel. He doesn't like the shots but we have to keep him safe! xx
Noah snuggling with his Cow Cat
At 18 months, Esme is full of life! She is running, jumping, climbing and talking! Her 18 month appointment went very well.
Weight: 25 pounds (no increase)
Height: 32.5 inches
Esme comes out with new words everyday now. This is a video of her saying "Abbie." Her godmother is very proud!
Noah's first time in the jumperoo- he is still a bit small but he likes to sit in it!
At three months, Noah can...
Stand with help
lift his head and shoulders when on his tummy
sit in a bumbo chair
laugh at his sister
and his is EVER so cute...
He is a very talkative baby!
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