Here are some photos from some of our fun times between end of April and the beginning of May. We had a lovely trip to the park in Hoboken with Krystal, Savvy, Jill and Cassius. It was on this trip that we learned Savannah was going to be a big sister :) Such exciting news!
Savvy and Cass

One of my all time favorite pictures!
It is in this trip to the park that Esme found her passion for slides!

During this time, Esme was getting cheekier and cheekier!
And started to love slides more and more....the bigger the better! No fear!

Stephen took a trip to Gettysburg with our good friend Jim Hennig and one of his mates, Mike. They had a really great time exploring the battlefields and hanging out by the bonfire at night.
Noah is growing like a weed! He is such a big boy and barely wears clothes once before he outgrows them! At three months he is wearing a six month size!
He smiles all the time

And makes the funniest faces!
Noah slept through the night from about five weeks and is an absolute angel! He was always a good sleeper and only woke up once a night for a diaper change and a feed but now sleeps in until around 9:30! He knows the way to his Mama's heart :)
He has the best pouty lip- I have never seen a baby do this so often. If he gets upset, he sticks his lip out as far as it will go before making any noise!
He also loves to sleep on his tummy. This is a no no at bed time but If I am next to him I let his sleep on his tummy at nap time.
We bed share and it is obvious that Noah sleeps like his Mama- he tosses and turns and kicks! He makes bed sharing a challenge at times but I wouldn't have it any other way!
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