We spent the weekend of May 28/29th down at Jim and Nina's house at the Jersey Shore. We had a really great time catching up with them, hanging out by the fire and spending time by the water. Esme is a real water baby and loved every minute of the time we spent at a local park with a little beach.
I didn't realize the park we were going to had water access and, therefore, didn't dress Esme accordingly! She had no fear and ran straight into the water!

Video of Esme in the water
Brent and Esme
It was a pretty hot weekend so Jim and Nina got the sprinkler out for Esme. This was a first for her and she absolutely adored it.
Jim took Brent and Stephen fishing. It was Stephen's first time and he managed to catch a 41 inch, 28 pound striped bass!
That evening, we had an amazing seafood feast! Jim's parents joined us for the evening dinner of lobster (3 each...there were definitely leftovers!), mussels, Stephen's striped bass, Nina's homemade mac and cheese and more! We were all stuffed to the gills (pun intended ;) at the end but thoroughly enjoyed it. Jim helped stephen and I with our lobsters as this was our first time eating one whole- an interesting (and tasty) experience!
We had such a nice weekend and really enjoy any time we can get with Jim and Nina!
While Brent was in town, we took him to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. That is one tourist activity that I am quite happy to do over and over as I really enjoy the boat ride on a nice day. The day we went was beautiful!

Esme enjoyed walking around the immigration museum.

Noah was a good boy, as usual, and was looking extra cute in his baseball cap!
It was nice and hot while Brent was in town so we were able to enjoy the pool!
It was nice having Brent around. He babysat a few times which gave Stephen and I the chance to go out to dinner alone for once. He is really great with the kids and they are lucky to have a Papa like him.
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