Wednesday, December 21, 2011


We had another weekend at Grandma Jill and Grandpa Richard's house (Nov 5). During this trip Esme was crazy about singing "Twinkle, Twinkle."

Around this time we started going to another play group called Sunshine. It is really handy as it is just up the road from our house at the Forum. Esme loves going and it has given me the opportunity to make more mum friends.

We also started going to a dance glass at the Greenwich Dance Academy. It is an ok activity of you're bored but we probably won't go every week. Iona comes sometimes, too!

In the above picture, you can see a small cut on Esme's eyelid. This happened at baby ballet. She was wearing tights and ran over to see Noah (she likes him to be involved, too!). She ran a bit to fast, slipped on the wood floor due to the tights and cut her eye on the stroller. Luckily someone was having a birthday party that day and they gave her cake which cheered her right up!

Fall in Greenwich park is amazing. The leaves turn all shades of orange, brown and red and there are even ducks and squirrels to feed. The squirrels come right up to you and take peanuts out of your hand. Esme thinks it is the best thing ever!

On November 13, after a long walk through the park to Blackheath, Noah got his second haircut! Oh, what a handsome boy he is! Only 8 months old and already two haircuts under his belt!

Nov 13 was also the first time I gave Noah a rusk to feed himself. He Loved it!

A few pictures of our home, Greenwich!

The weekend of Nov 19, Gram and Granddad Bailey came over for the day. Daddy and Granddad built Esme and Noah's main Christmas present- a swing set! It took them about 6 hours but the end result was worth it!

That same weekend, we spent a lot of time in the park. We played on the swings and went for walks both in the park and by the river. The fog was so thick on Nov 20 that we couldn't see Canary Wharf from the Greenwich side of the river. You could only see so far ahead of you- some of the thickest fog I have ever seen!

On Nov 23, I cut between 8 and 10 inches off of my hair! I really hated having long hair and have absolutely no regrets! I really don't know how people with long hair do it- I am just not cut out for it!



The last bit of November was spent finishing up classes, playing in the garden on the new swing and enjoying the end of Auntumn. Here are some of my favorite pics and videos..

Noah sleeping in the swing

How long is her hair??

Esme plays with Noah on the swing

Esme has a fit and learns a lesson.

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