All was well at Esme's 10 month check up. Her growth has slowed down a bit but she is still fairly big for her age and is fit as a fiddle.
Here are her measurements from this appointment:
Weight: 19 pounds 10 ounces (50th percentile)
Height: 29 1/2 inches long (75th percentile)
Esme has...
0 teeth
Loads of dark blonde/light brown hair (past her shoulders in the front)
Big blue eyes- just like her daddy
a giant personality
short little legs and a long body (again, just like her daddy!)
She wears 6/9 month clothes but needs 12 month clothes for the length.
Esme has a very gregarious personality and is an absolute joy to be around. She has a bit of a temper and likes things her way. If she isn't happy with you or wants something that you have she will definitely let you know! She has a set of lungs on her!!
Esme especially likes...
Broccoli and chicken
When daddy gets home from work
Chasing the kitties
Climbing, crawling, walking while holding on to things and getting into everything!
Little Gym
Bath time
Playing with Savvy
Esme can...
Stand and walk while holding on
Mock coughs and other noises
Mock actions like drumming, clapping, etc.
Say many things including Mama, Dada, Ki (Kitty) and Ni Ni (no no!)
Dance when she hears music
Knows the word no...but doesn't always obey!
Flip through books (sometimes upside down!)
Feed herself finger foods
Drink from a sippy cup (though she prefers drinking directly out of Mama's water bottle)
Hold her arms up to show she wants to be picked up
Around Esme's 10 month birthday (10/8/10), we found out that she is going to be having a baby brother. No set name yet for baby boy Bailey but Mom and Dad are working on it. Esme is going to be a wonderful big sister- baby boy Bailey is one lucky kid!
Baby brother baby

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