They were not impressed with the duck.
Esme tried to climb up the slide. I was taking a great video of it but my camera died! Here is a picture and the two second video that I shot.
Esme loves watching Stephen play with her little bat and ball. Here is a short clip of her laughing at daddy. My apologies for the TV noise.
Esme also enjoys her time at little gym. She has stepped up from the "Bug" class and into the "Bird" class. Her walking is progressing well and she will be on the run in no time! She stands without holding on and "sopha surfs" like crazy. She is a very active little lady!
On the bouncy mattress with her shaker eggs
Standing like a big girl! Look Ma, no hands!
Working on her backward flip skills
Playing with the bars
Esme loves hanging on the bar and can even hold on all by herself!
Walking with the "hotdog."
Sorry, the video is sideways!
Esme has two favorite parts of class. The balls (she gets a bit greedy)
And the BUBBLES! She is even starting to recognize the sign language sign for bubbles.
Sometimes I even get surprise Savvy hugs at the little gym!

Esme has a lot of toys at home. She really loves her instrument set and her drum in particular. Maybe she will be a drummer like Grandpa John!
The best thing about her drum is taking the lid off and letting it spin on the ground. It makes a lot of noise and makes her smile. It sounds like something her daddy would have done when he was little!
Esme also loves books. Even if she does like to read them upside down!
She also likes to climb on things
Play peek a boo
and take baths...
Mommy and Daddy bought Esme an elephant walker and she loves the freedom it gives her. We didn't have a rug on her first use so it went a bit too fast for her but she managed to keep up.
Look how proud she is of herself!
The cart is great for hauling her blocks around and has a counting abacus on the front.
Weekends are extra special to Esme because she gets to spend full days with her daddy. We like to spend some of this time in the park on walks and pushing Ez on the swings.
Ez has voiced her opinion about baby proofing and she is not a fan. She can't get into the drawers and cupboards in the bathroom and she isn't happy about it. I missed her first screams of aggravation but this video is pretty cute...
She is an epic mess maker
She hates going to sleep and consequently falls asleep in the most random places on the floor while she is playing.
She is still a huge fan of the cats and enjoys touching them and pulling their tails. She thinks it is hilarious when she pokes their feet with her fingers.
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