Friday, August 30, 2013


Wrenny Rue

She has been rocking and a rolling for some time now. I was over at my dad's house on July 24th and Wren was laying on the porch in the shade. It was HOT. Christine came over with Chloe and Logan and asked me when Wren started rolling....uuummmmmm? Now? I missed it. But There she was, laying on her tummy! From that point on I couldn't get her to stay still. No more sitting on the sofa for my little ginga.

Things progressed pretty quickly from that point because, by the day of the wedding, she was starting to sit on her own for small amounts of time (30 seconds to a minute). July 28th- ladies and gentlemen, we have a sitter! I realize this isn't the most charming picture (dirty floor in the room that 10 girls were getting ready for a wedding!) but it must be shared for documentation :)

She is babbling, playing and engaging with toys and brings so much joy. Seriously- this little ginger has the best personality. They say redheads are fiery and this little bird will be no exception!

I had her weighed soon after we returned to England and was happy to find that she had grown from the 50th weight percentile to the 75th- by the grace of breastmilk alone. Remember how I said natural birth was the quickest way to make you feel like a bad ass? Well nourishing a baby and knowing her divine little thighs are 100% due to my body makes me feel like super mom. At 5 months and a bit she was 16 pounds 13.5 ounces :) I remember sitting in my NHS breastfeeding support course envying the gorgeous little chunky legs of another baby. Wren was very long and lean at this point. Now she has enviable thighs, too :)

In Seattle Wren was sleeping from 8 or 830 until around 730 am when she would dream feed and then fall back asleep until around 9. She is the only one I have not been able to get back on schedule since we got back to England but that could be down to a growth spurt. She sleeps from around 830-9 until about 530 or 6, dream feeds and then goes back to sleep until Esme wakes her up :)

Babies need chunky thighs. They just do.

Esme Jean

What a little diva- and smart to boot! She blows me away with some of the things she comes out with. I adore her feisty side and her constant quest for knowledge. She can't wait to start transition in a few weeks!

I love that she has her own way of saying things:

"For a little wild" intsead of a little while.
"Abra-ka-Zebra" instead of Abra-Ka-dabra (you have to say zebra the British way of zeb-ra and not the American way of Zeeb-ra)

She is about 40 inches tall and 34 pounds. We finished her peanut allergy testing (neurotic mom) and everything is fine. She is able to eat PB&J to her heart's content.

Noah Johnson

This kid. I love him to death but he will be the death of me. Oh, the terrible twos!! He hears the word no and he goes into full scale meltdown. Really. He is charming, though!

"Are you Abraham Lincoln?" "NO! I not Aber-ham Yinkon! I Noah!"
"Are you 6 and a half??" "NO! I not 6 in half! I 2!"

And OH! how he loves his baby.

And he is a sleep champion. In is currently 9:45 and I haven't heard from him. Bedtime is 8 or 830 in our house so that is a solid sleep!

I am pretty in love with my family

1 comment:

  1. Your kiddos are seriously gorgeous Brie. I can't believe how much little Wren has grown since I last saw her. That must have been my little baby with the enviable thigh rolls, I'm sad to say her legs are slimming down by the day now that she's on the move! :( But still nice and chubby!
