We ordered her cake from Costco and we think it turned out pretty cute!
We estimate that about 50 people showed up to her first party- not a bad turn out. A lot of the guests were adults but there were a few kids for her to play with.
Jennifer and her two children, Cooper and Whitney, were there along with my friend Tiffany, her husband Chris and their son Alexander. Michelle, Greg and Avery also made it!
Esme's favorite part of the day was when everyone sang Happy Birthday to her. She was grinning from ear to ear!
She also enjoyed digging into her cake. Making a mess is one of her favorite things...and she is so good at it!
The balloons were a big hit with the kids. Esme loved them but didn't like it when they floated away!
Happy with balloons:
Not so happy when they float away...
The end result of the cake eating was a messy baby and a wardrobe change. We changed her into her Seahawks outfit because it was Sunday and her team was playing!
We really felt blessed to have so many friends and family present to celebrate Esme's special day. There were important people who were unable to make it but the overall turn out really touched me. It is nice to know that our family means as much to others as they mean to us.
Esme scored an amazing amount of presents. Here are a few photos of the gift opening.
We really want to thank everyone who came and made this day extra special. Esme is lucky to have you in her life. We would also like to thank the party hosts, Great Grandma and Grandpa Kennedy, for the use of their home and all of the time and energy they put into the planning and preparation. We love you all! xx
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