Esme is an extremely particular baby and she likes things to be a certain way. She enjoys taking items out of one container, moving them to another and then putting them back where they belong. She is also getting good at helping during clean up time. She is especially good at cleaning up when she is in her music class or at little gym. Maybe she got the tidy bug that skipped her Mama's generation!?
Esme is also saying a few more words. In addition to Mama, Daddy, kitty and baba, she is saying hi, bye bye, no and uh-oh. She doesn't say "meow" but she makes a noise similar to a cat meow every time she hears them meow. So cute! She also does her own version of sign language. She does the touchdown motion and the incomplete pass motion. The incomplete pass motion is when she wants to make an emphatic NO! She loves to wave hi and bye and does it to everyone she meets in passing. Esme points at everything and has a particular fondness for lights and ceiling fans!
Dancing is one of her favorite things. She will dance to anything but definitely has her favorites. The current iPad commercial is an absolute favorite of hers and she goes crazy every time it comes on TV.
Here is a video of her reaction to the commercial. This isn't the best example but it is the only one we have caught on camera- excuse the hair in her eyes! Her first haircut is just around the corner!!
Esme also enjoys riding on her tricycle and in the wagon that she got for her birthday. We have had to start storing them in the spare room because if we don't, she stands next to them and screams all evening- even if she has spent an hour riding them already!
Esme being pulled around the hallway in her wagon. Daddy and her spend a lot of time this way!
Here is short video of her first time on her tricycle. We were planning on getting her a harness to hold her on but she is very good at balancing herself and even likes to do moving dismounts! Now, when you say "ding ding" she will ding her little bell on queue.
Everything is a hat. From her ball that the cat accidentally popped to undies out of the clean laundry pile. She also likes to take out her bows and try to put them in herself.
Esme will fall asleep anywhere. She doesn't like being "put down" for a nap so I have been letting her put herself down. A bottle and a soft blanket and she usually falls asleep wherever she feels most comfortable.
Nothing is off limits to Esme. If you have something she wants, you better be ready to hand it over. If you don't there will be a full on meltdown. I know I should be more strict but sometimes her tantrums are really hard not to laugh at.
Although she is a diva, she is also the most loving, caring little girl. She snuggles with daddy every evening always wants to be held. She is always putting her arms in the air to signal UP! I can't imagine my life without her and I know that Stephen feels the exact same way. She is a daddy's girl and Stephen loves every minute of it. He looks forward to getting home in the evening and hearing her little feet patter towards the front door, ready to greet him with a hug.
One year with this little girl has completely rocked our word and we couldn't be happier about it.
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