She booked her tickets a few months before she came and I made a boo boo! Tickets to England were extremely pricey this time around so the minute I saw a good price I jumped on it. Unfortunately, I forgot to check Michelle's dates before I booked and she was due to arrive at our place in NJ three days before we got home!
It was all a bit stressful but in the end we changed her arrival dates and all was well. We got home at midnight one night and she arrived at 7 am the next morning! Because I messed the dates up, her trip was a few days shorter than planned and we had to cram a lot of sight seeing into a few days...I think we were pretty successful!
We saw the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island
The old train station in Jersey city with great views of Manhattan and The Statue/Ellis Island
I love this picture
The old train station (you can take the statue of liberty tour from here as well- we took it from battery park in NYC).
We saw Times Square, including the M&M store, and the giant Toys R Us with ferris wheel inside. I have always wanted to ride this with Esme but never had the chance. We did it and we got to ride in the Toy Story car....pretty awesome!
On the ferris can see the characters behind us!
We had lunch in Little Italy during a huge street fair. There were tons of vendors and carnival games so the streets were packed. A couple from Oregon stopped us and commented on how cute Ez was. They also gave us a giant Winnie the Pooh that they won at a carnival game because they had no room in their luggage to take it home.
I took Michelle to see the 911 memorial at the end of the peninsula we live on. She thought it was spectacular and also couldn't believe the size of the ships that dock down there. It is a shipping port and also a cruise terminal port.
One of the things Michelle was looking really forward to was seeing central park. We had a stroll around and even had a bit of an event! Michelle fancied a water and bought me a popsicle (I crave popsicles when I am prego). I dove straight in and my tongue got stuck to the popsicle. Im not talking stuck for a few seconds....I am talking kid in a Christmas Story stuck to the pole kind of stuck. We had to pour water over it several times before it finally came loose. It was a terrible and painful experience. The man selling them informed me that they keep it cold with dry ice and that was probably the problem. GREAT!
Ez in central park
After the popsicle defrosted a bit, I decided to give a Ez a lick. She had been teething and I thought it would feel good on her gums. She loved it! She didn't love it, however, when I took it away!
She is watching the popsicle but thinks I am going to give it back...
Once reality sets in the tears start flowing!
On the last day of Michelle's visit we went to the Empire State building. We almost ran out of time but I refused to let her leave NYC without going up! She was very glad that I insisted.
I love this pic with all of the cabs! Very NYC.
It was sad to say goodbye but we had a great visit and hope Grandma Michelle comes back soon! x
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