Here is a short clip of Esme finding her toes
The fire alarms at our apartment continue. We have lived in this apartment for 7 months and have spent a solid 5 months of that time dealing with excessive fire alarms. We are DONE. We have a meeting with our apartment manager tomorrow and will be breaking our lease, even if that means going to court. Here is an example of what we have had to go through for the past five months. This particular alarm went off at 445 in the morning (keep in mind that we have muffled our alarms with around 5 layers of duct tape and the alarms are still this loud):
We will not subject our daughter to this kind of atmosphere any longer. We have also been having issues with the neighbors below us partying loudly until 430 in the morning and smoking pot incessantly. If this were a college dorm I would be understanding- but it is not. We pay a lot of money to live in so called "professional, luxury apartments" and are not getting our money's worth.
Esme has stopped taking all binks except avent binks and will only take those when she is very tired. She much prefers her thumb!
Ez has also started reaching for things. She is a bit clumsy and doesn't always manage to get what she intends to- but she tries and that is what counts! She loves stuffed animals (especially the stuffed parrot her god father Mike got her) and slobbers them to death. The main dilemma in our household is that our cats also like stuffed animals. They are pretty much like dogs and carry stuffed toys twice their size around the house in their mouths. We bought the cats a special quacking duck stuffed dog toy so that they would stop stealing Esme's things. Do you think that worked? NO! Esme LOVES the duck (she thinks it is hilarious and laughs at it constantly) and the cats still prefer her toys.
Another first for Esme this week was going a full day without going poo. We thought this was strange but since she didn't seem uncomfortable we didn't worry too much about it. Until the next day...
Ez was sitting in her bouncy chair and we heard a noise. It did not sound particularly dire so I let her sit for a few minutes (she sometimes takes a while to finish!). Bad idea. When I removed her from her bouncer I soon discovered that the noise was indeed DIRE and I had a very big mess on my hands!
The mess was down both legs and completely up her back. Thank god for spray and wash- I think I need to buy stock in their company!!!!
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