Esme had her 3 month doctor's appointment on April 15. It actually turned out to be her 4 month appointment because it got delayed by a week due to our trip to London and then delayed again because I thought it was on a Friday when it was, in fact, on the Thursday and I had to reschedule for a week later...OOOPS!
Here is what the Dr Had to say:
Weight: 15 pounds 7 ounces (75-90 percentile)
Height: 25.5 inches (75-90 percentile)
Head: 42.5 cm (above 90 percentile)
The doctor said that her height growth was above normal but that she is staying consistently in her 75-90 percentile. She said she is getting tall quickly because both Stephen and I are fairly tall. Dr also said that she is very proportionate and is very healthy. I was also warned that she could start rolling any day...mommy beware!
I told the dr that she has been having a little mucous in her stool and she told me that Esme most likely has a dairy intolerance. This means I have to lay off of the dairy and take a calcium supplement to see if it helps. Doesn't sound like a big deal but to a girl who drinks at least two pints of milk with her is HUGE.
So far there is no need to start Ez on rice cereal. She is still sleeping through the night like a pro and seems perfectly happy with what the mama milk cow has to offer.
Meeting Great Grandpa WIl
My Grandpa Wil had to make an emergency business trip to Buffalo and was able to stop by and spend his 66th birthday with us. This is the first time in 35 years that my Grandpa Wil and Grandma Mardine were not together on his birthday so we were excited to have him. We went to a local italian bakery and bought him an amazing chocolate cake and planned on taking him to dinner at Houlihan's (a local favorite of ours). Unfortunately, something came up and he had to shoot back up to Buffalo (a 7 hour drive!) before dinner time.
On a whim, we all decided to hop in the Elantra Friday night and drive to Buffalo to spend more time with him and see Niagara Falls. We had been planning on visiting Niagara Falls in the near future and thought that this was as good an excuse as any! Stephen loved seeing the falls. We went up the Skylon on the Canadian side and got some pretty good pictures of the waterfalls. It isn't every weekend that you get to see one of the 7 wonders of the world!
The drive was long and the stay was short but it was worth it. We got to spend a little more time with Dad/Grandpa/Great Grandpa Wil and we got to do some sightseeing on top!
Great Grandpa and Esme
Horseshoe Falls from the Skylon
Mommy and Ez
Niagara Falls
Grandma and Esme
Mommy, Daddy and Ez
Esme is a champion road tripper and slept pretty much the entire time. We didn't have to stop any more for her than we would have done on our own- thats our girl!
picture of the week:
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