Esme's two month appointment went very well. Here are her stats at 10 weeks and 2 days (3/10/2010):
Weight: 13 pounds 2 ounces (85th percentile)
Height: 23 inches (55th percentile)
Head: unknown (they measured but didn't write it down for me)
Dr. Serafino said that Esme has met and exceeded all of her developmental goals so far. He said that she is very alert. She follows voices and people around the room and is intrigued by bold patterns. He was amazed that she is laughing and said that most babies don't laugh until the end of month three!
She tries very hard to roll over when you lay her on her tummy. She doesn't like to be on her tummy too long (except for naps) and gets a bit cranky. She is very strong though and I am sure she will be mobile in no time! SCARY!
The next thing Dr. Serafino told me was shocking! Ezzy's gums are swollen which could mean her teeth are coming in! This explains why she is constantly chewing on her hands! Dr said he has seen teeth as early as three months (the average is 7) and that she may be getting her chompers early! This is exciting and scary to me at the same time. I am still exclusively breast feeding and figure this is going to complicate the matter a bit!
I think one of the worst things the world is watching your baby get shots. Ez got two shots on this visit (I am still sticking to my thimerosal and preservative free list) and I cried just as much as she did. My heart breaks evert time she cries and the chin quivering, gasping for air cry is the absolute worst. It took ages to calm her down and then the nurse who gave the shots came back in the room (with free tylenol samples!) and Ez head her voice and started screaming again! Smart girl!!
Ez is changing everyday! She is starting to stretch her legs and hold her weight for a few seconds. I plan on getting her a jumparoo bouncer soon!
Here is a quick list of Ezzy'z likes and dislikes:
Kushies play mat
Boppy swing
Boppy pillow (usually means it is food time!)
Bath time
Lullabies at bed time
chewing on her hand
soothie and avent binkies
Having lotion applied to her body
Being tickled and smiling/laughing
Having her feet rubbed together!
Tummy time
Getting taken out of the tub
The flash from the camera
Getting lotion applied to her face
Other Binks
Having to wait (even a second) for food
Putting onesies on
The last week has been pretty uneventful. We have been shopping a few times but that is about it! We are headed to Atlantic City for one night this weekend so should have a more eventful blog next week! Here are a few pictures to make you smile...
Ez having her feet scrubbed in the bath (this makes her smile!):
More bath pics...
I told you she doesn't like being taken out of the tub...look at that lip!
About to head off the the Doctor's office. Looking cute in a dress from Guncle James.
Fantastic sleeping pose
The epitome of perfection
The last thing I want to write about today is diapers! I have fallen in love with Huggies Pure and Natural diapers...I just wish they weren't so damned expensive. The second best thing I have found to compare with them are, surprise, surprise, Costco's kirkland signature brand! They are soft and lovely like Huggies pure and natural and are half the price! They absorb everything unlike the horrible pampers little swaddlers! If I never see a another pampers diaper in my life it will be too soon! GROSS. So mommies, if you are looking for a very good bargain diaper you should definitely try Costco's brand!
And we'll leave you with a smile....
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