The first big girl toy we tackled was the BUMBO. She is getting to the point where she doesn't want to be cradled as much and prefers to sit up like a big girl- the BUMBO is amazing! She sits in it and looks around for minutes on end (ha ha!). I even went out and bought the play tray for when she is a bit more coordinated and wants to play with toys while sitting up.
Esme's very first time in her BUMBO
I decided that she is big enough for a Jumperoo and went out and bought the new Fisher Price laugh and learn Jumperoo. My friend Tiffany highly recommended the Jumperoo on her Blog after her son Alexander preferred it to the Exersaucer. I was very excited and assembled it straight away! I put her in it and....guess what? She is not quite big enough- her feet don't touch the floor yet! She has figured out how to move her legs and make herself bounce a bit but I don't think this will be a favorite until she is a touch bigger. She enjoys the lights and music but is unable to fully appreciate it at the moment.
Help, Mama! My feet don't reach the ground and this thing is swallowing me!
Maybe it is not so bad....but I am still not sure!
Daddy was very proud of Esme this week as he was able to show her off in the Bell tower for the very first time. Grandma, Mommy and Ez made the climb up to the top (Ez was strapped into her ErgoBaby Carrier) and the whole practice was put on hold so that everyone could oooh and aaaah over the baby!
Daddy and Ez in the bell tower
Esme has now outgrown her sleep positioner and sleeps without it in her pack and play. The morning after her first night without it I woke up to a surprise (and have done so every morning since!)! Esme completely turned herself in her sleep and was looking quite pleased with herself! I guess she takes after Mama and wiggles a lot in her sleep.
Good morning, Mama! Look at my new trick!
Esme has developed the most ridiculous fake cough! She likes to hear herself make noise and her coughing noise is her favorite at the moment. I have tried to capture it on video but every time the camera is pointed at her she stops! It is almost as if she knows it is blackmail for the future!
She is also trying to roll over. She doesn't like being on her tummy but I try to make her spend a few minutes a day playing on her tummy. The reason babies don't crawl or walk as early as they used to is because they are no longer allowed to sleep on their stomach. When babies slept on their stomach they learned how to push themselves up on their arms earlier which lead to crawling and walking earlier. The "back to sleep" movement has significantly reduced the rate of SIDS but has slowed down mobility.
Esme is half way out of the 0-3 month size and half way into the 3-6 month size. It is not that she is too big- it is that she is too long! Some of the brands run larger and will get a few more weeks of use but some of them are too small already. Most of her PJ's are now 3-6 because of the length.
Here is Esme in one of her cute little clearance rack dresses ($3 from JC Penney!) I am queen of clearance.
My mom sent me this picture when I was at school. I was smiling from ear to ear all day!
Mommy and Daddy took a walk around our apartment development and Esme looked absolutely adorable. We have had a lot of problems with our apartment but we enjoy the scenery around it. There is a great view of the city and a lovely golf course witha lighthouse. She has almost outgrown this snow suit! I guess our next one will have to be a girl too so we can get more use out of it!
We are getting ready for our trip to England next week! Esme is looking forward to meeting her English Grandparents and Aunt Helen, Uncle Adrian and her two cousins Stuart and Miles. Fingers crossed for a smooth, uneventful flight and a baby who enjoys it!
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