Grandma Julie arrived on January 30th and has been looking after Ez while I am at school. I attend school three days a week but am only gone from 7am to 1pm Monday and Wednesday and 1130am to 4pm on Friday. I really dislike the school I am attending and am only attending it because it is one of the only forensic science schools in NYC and is the cheapest. I had some issues with financial aid last semester while attending Pace University and decided to transfer to John Jay. People always say wonderful things about the FS program at John Jay but I am not convinced. I guess we will see!
Esme has made amazing progress in the last two weeks. I know every parent must think their baby is well advanced, but I truly believe Ez is! She smiles in response to things and baby talks a lot! Here is a video of her smiling when daddy tickles her.
Esme experienced her very first Superbowl last sunday. The game was between the Indianapolis Colts and the New Orleans Saints. Our apartment complex put on a Superbowl party complete with food, drink and prizes so we dressed Ez up in her little Colts sleeper and joined the fun. We don't normally support either team (GO SEAHAWKS!) but decided to choose a team on a whim and, unfortunately, we chose the Colts. The Colts lost but we had tons of fun and I met several other moms in the building. Stephen was a little grumpy that we didn't win any of the drawings (we all know he is not the most gracious of losers!). Lucky for him his name was drawn at the last minute and he won a beer mug and Superbowl t-shirt!
Mommy and Esme at the party
Daddy and Ez
Grandma and Esme cheering for the Colts!
Ezzy passed out from all the fun!
One of the more exciting things that happened in the past few weeks was Ez finding her thumb (she used to suck on her whole hand) and her tongue! She is constantly sticking her tongue out and moving it in different directions...she even manages to click it every once in a while! I was amazed when she found her thumb but try to keep a binky in her mouth so that she doesn't become a thumb sucker! You can take a binky (dummy) away from a baby but it is pretty hard to take away a thumb!
Ez and her tongue (it is a bit fuzzy as it is a picture from my phone)
Stephen and I decided to splurge and buy Esme a Kushies play mat. The mat is wonderful because it uses a lot of black, white and red and different textures. Babies only see a few colors when they are young and the Kushies company is the only company I have found that used that info to make a fun, educational play mat. She is extremely stimulated by the mat and spends a lot of time laying under the mobile and kicking her feet. She talks a lot when she is on the mat and you can practically see the little wheels in her head turning! The creatures are a bit scary but she seems to love them!
Each leg that makes the mobile has a different black and white pattern. You connect the colorful creatures to the legs wherever you want them. One side of the mat is very colorful and has three different textures. It also has several removable toys that you can rotate to different places on the mat.
The other side of the mat is great for tummy time. It is completely black and white and has a ton of different patterns, numbers and pictures on it.
Her hair is getting soooo long! It wont be long until I am able to put it into a pony tail!
The last thing I am going to write about today is something that happened yesterday! Grandma and I were giving Esme a bath and she decided that it was the perfect time to go to the bathroom! It was lucky we had just started because there were poopies everywhere!! It wouldn't have been so funny if we hadn't been talking about the fact that she had yet to poop in her bathtub at that very moment! This really is going to be a year full of firsts!!
We will leave you with a smile....
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