Esme's nickname is Peepers. Stephen started calling her that very shortly after she was born. It all started because we would both say "Look! Her peepers are WIDE open!" Ez has very big eyes and she is always looking around and following object. She is a little sponge as absorbs everything!
Here is a great picture of her big peepers (and a smile too!):
Ez had a slight case of baby acne but it is pretty much cleared up. Now all we have to worry about is her scratching herself. I keep her nails short but somehow she still manages to gouge her little face! We better be careful or her new nickname will be scarface ;)
Esme has always been very good at holding her binky. She loves it so much she doesn't want to risk losing it! She amazes us everyday because she seems to know how to hold it in place. Sometimes she even rips it out of her own mouth...and that doesn't go down very well!! I was against the use of pacifiers at the beginning but now I realize that they are lifesavers!
Ez and her beloved bink:
The biggest milestone this week is that she has graduated from Newborn size clothes into 0-3 month clothes! She can still wear some of her newborn clothes as it is only the length that is becoming a problem.
Here is Ez in her 0-3 month size Ellie pajamas from her Godmama Abbie:
Esme is also becoming the queen of the pouty lip. When she gets upset she sticks her bottom lip out as far as it can go. If that doesn't work she resorts to louder ways of protest! :)
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