Monday, September 27, 2010

Esme at 8 months

Esme's 8 month doctor appointment went well. She is developing well and is meeting and exceeding all of her milestones. The only noteworthy thing at this month's appointment was the fact that she didn't grow! She gained two ounces and a quarter of an inch. If I am being totally honest, I think the nurse at the previous appointment made a mistake with her measurements. The scales at my doctor's office are ancient and don't look entirely accurate.

The doctor said not to worry- Esme is a healthy weight and height for her age. I do like my doctor's but I do not think that their office is up to par. If I could do things over again, I would probably choose a doctor with a more modern office and more modern tools.

At 8 months

Esme can...

Sit up from laying position
Pull up sporadically (she pulls up regularly at 8.5 months)
Feed herself finger food
Babble non stop (mama, dada, baba, nana and other things)
Entertain herself (she loves books and stuffed toys)

Esme likes...

The cats- she lights up when she sees them.
Little Gym
Going for walks
Playing with Savannah
Straws (coincidently, the cats like straws too and she teases them with them!)
Water bottles
Mama's keys and phone
Standing up or turning around in her stroller
Sleeping on her side or stomach
When Daddy gets home from work

Esme Dislikes...

Having her face wiped
Diaper changes
Lentils and plain yogurt
Bonking her head
Getting out of the bath
Having her hair brushed
Sitting still

At seven and a half months, Ez decided to stop sleeping through the night. I have had a charmed life since she was been born with her sleeping through the night and now I really appreciate it! I don't know what the solution is but I need to fix it ASAP!

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