When she was born, she had the softest little head. It is still soft but, for the first few weeks, there was a time when I couldn't keep my hands off of it! I am surprised she hasn't been rubbed completely bald as a result. Speaking of bald- lets look at a little comparison.

People keep insisting that she isn't bald....but look what I have to compare it to! I knew she had less hair than her sibs but it took looking at this picture to get the full picture. She has lovely reddish hair (a hand me down from her maternal grandfather and her daddy). Esme and Noah are so similar and I just assumed she would be the same. The funny thing is that I spent my first two pregnancies worried I would have a red haired baby, mostly because red heads are picked on in the UK. This time it didn't even cross my mind- probably because I was preoccupied wondering if baby was a he or a she that I forgot to consider the finer details. This picture shows how different her hair is but it also highlights how facially similar they all are. They all have identical noses. Noah (bottom left) looks a more like me and the two girls are spitting images of their daddy!
Wren's wrinkly little forehead is my favorite thing about her. It gets wrinkly when she is looking around at things and I can't help but kiss it constantly. She made some of the grumpiest faces in her first few weeks. I think she gets it from her daddy :)
She is such an amazing baby. She only wakes once a night (usually around 4 in the morning) for a feed and doesn't cry very often. She lets out one little WAH when she wants something and waits a few seconds to see if someone is going to respond before making any more of a fuss. Her sibs love her to death- a love that is directly responsible for the fact that she has had two colds in her short life. I try to keep them from breathing on her but how can I deny them a little cuddle here and there? They have been so amazing during this process and I want them to remain positive about her presence.
She nurses like a champ. She makes the saddest, sweetest little noises when I switch sides in the middle of nursing or when she loses her latch- little whimpers of desperation that completely melt my heart. I love nursing and it makes me happy knowing I am doing the best thing for my baby. I wish everyone were as lucky as I am.

Her first smiles were on April 3rd.

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