March 9th (my due date) came and went without a sign of labor. Lucky for me, I woke up on March 10h with contractions around 11 minutes apart. The got progressively closer and at around mid day my OBGYN suggested that I come in for a check.
Much to my dismay, I was only 2 centimeters dilated. My doc asked me to walk around the city, have lunch, see a movie to see if I was going to progress. Stephen and I had lunch at a little diner and by that time my contractions were only about 3 minutes apart. I went back to the OGBYN office for another check and within an hour I had gone from 2 cm to 3 cm and they felt that I was in active labor.
I was finally checked into the hospital at 5:30. I sat around for hours (not being checked, might I add!), received an epidural and waited patiently. My epidural ended up being lopsided and at around 8:20 I started to feel really uncomfortable. The pressure was intense and I could feel pain on my left side. Dr. Huang (not my personal OBGYN but the same Dr that delivered Esme) checked me and told me that I was 10 cm! My water still hadn't broke and at 8:27 they gave me a hand and ruptured it for me. Three minutes and 1.5 pushes later (literally!!), Noah John Bailey entered the world. He was perfect.
Not even the doctor could believe that he arrived so suddenly! Everyone told me the second baby would be quicker but I had no idea it would be this quick! Stephen and my Mom were in the room with me and neither of them could believe it either- within seconds Noah had arrived and I was a mother of two!
There was some concern that he may have had myconium in his lungs. Fortunately, it was a false alarm and we were told that he was fine. Ten fingers, ten toes and a beautiful grumpy face! When I first saw him I was a bit concerned because I thought he was really small. Not so much. At 8 lb 1 oz and 21 inches he was well above average! A full half pound lighter and inch longer than Esme Jean was!
His very first picture
His famous grumpy face.
Big boy
In an instant, all of the misgivings I had about having a baby boy melted away and I was in LOVE.
With Dr Huang
Daddy and Noah
Grandma and Noah
March was on track to be a record breaking baby month at Roosevelt Hospital. The 10th was a popular day to be born so Noah and I were sent to overflow rooms on another floor. They were only had one warmer and two babies so Noah shared the warmer (after his first bath) with a little baby named Hudson. Noah is the closer baby- he looks like a monster next to 7 pound Hudson.
The next morning, Noah received his first (and most imortant!) visitor- his big sister Esme! Previously, we tried to explain to Esme that she had a little brother coming but we weren't sure how much she really comprehended. She would point to my stomach when asked where the baby or her brother was but we were pretty sure that she didn't understand he was going to be a permanent fixture. It is amazing what children actually understand. It was like she knew she had to be gentle with him and was keen to give him kisses and cuddles.
Later that day we were moved to a private room that was more comfortable and had much better food and service. With a private room, Stephen was able to stay the night with me. We are very lucky to have such good friends and family to help us through this exciting time.
My friend Krystal and her daughter Savannah (Esme's best friend) drove my mom into the city once it was confirmed that I was in active labor. They were kind enough to keep her throughout the duration of my labor and until my mom was able to get back to our apartment. It wouldn't have been possible for my mom to witness Noah's birth without them and for that I will be forever grateful. My mom took care of Esme while Stephen and I were at the hospital with Noah. We couldn't ask for more. Thank you!
We were discharged from the hospital on March 12th and went home. Here are a few pictures of Noah at the hospital and on his way home for the first time!
Burrito baby
His going home outfit
Grandma and her babies
Ready to go
It was really fun getting five people into our little car. Somehow we managed and made it home safely.
A big thank you to my Mom and the Scott family for making the process so stress free. We owe you the world! xx
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