We rode into the city as a family and spent the day at Stephen's office. Stephen no longer sits at a cubicle and has been given an office to share with one other person. It is a very nice office!
Ez and Daddy at his desk
There were a lot of arts and crafts to do (mostly geared at older children) and daddy helped Esme with hers. She made lots of things but her favorite activity was the balloon man! He made her a pink elephant!
A sneaky shot of daddy "helping" Esme make sand art
Esme is really into her food these days. She loves to make a mess and loves to try new things.
She loves to make and mess but she HATES being cleaned off. She shrieks like a banshee!
The kid LOVES water bottles. Give her a bottle and she is in heaven!
Esme is an amazing little girl. She has the most joyous and loving personality I have ever seen in a baby. She plays to the camera, shows off to strangers and is an absolute joy to have around. I love her so much....and she is darn cute to boot!
Her cheeky smile
I'm ready for my close up...
Take more pictures of me, Mama!
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