I am still 100 years behind on this blog but wanted to record a few things that have happened recently that I never want to forget!
Noah has started humming to songs and even tries to sing sometimes. It is too cute.
Esme sings all. the. time. She knows songs I am pretty sure I have never played....
Noah says "Want that," "kitty cat," "car," and a few other things. He talks a lot and sounds very convinced with what he is saying.
The kids both go to Boppin' Bunnies, Monkey Music and swimming lessons. Esme also does baby ballet. Noah was doing baby ballet but we can't fit it in at the moment. Hoping to add it back soon :)
The kids now have a set bedtime routine. Because we bed shared, it was hard to get them to bed at a reasonable time. We finally buckled down and started getting them to bed by 8:30 which means bath at 8 followed by books and bed! The light evenings and fine weather have allowed us to spend a lot of time in our garden tuckering them out before bed. Esme still whines a bit and tells us she has to go potty a few times before she settles but she has really improved and goes down without too much trouble.
Esme is dry through the night. She is so proud that she doesn't have night time nappies at all any more. She had one accident while we were away in Paris (I think as a result of unfamiliar surroundings and a lot of liquids due to the heat) but she is very good at getting up and telling us she needs to go potty. We are so proud of her!
Esme has started calling Stephen and I random name. I am either Mummy, mom or ma ma and Stephen gets Daddy, dad and da da! I don't know where this came from but she has a habit of shortening things to suit her fancy.
She still calls #2 going crocodile and often tells me "It is just a little croc." This kid is funny and has personality for days. I still have no idea why she decided to start calling them that. Sometimes she says snowman or teddy bear but I think it is just to see me laugh. She has an imagination on her!
She wants to use a big girl swing now, not a baby swing (in our garden).
She knows how to tease. I will say I don't want something and she will make me laugh by saying "Oh, you want this??" Again, she is too funny.
They both had conjunctivitis (pink eye) for the first time. Noah had it first and his eyes were really bad. Breast milk in the eyes helped a lot but we ended up getting a prescription because we were going to Paris. We had the meds by the time Esme showed first signs so her eyes never got really red, just goopy.
Noah is walking steadily and can now stand up without holding on to anything. He really zooms around and gets where he needs to go. He loves swings and slides and shows no fear when exploring! A proper little boy!
Noah has 8 teeth. His 7th tooth arrived on his birthday and the 8th one arrived soon after we returned home from Seattle. He has had 5 haircuts (the fifth was on cinco de mayo- very fitting!).
He is obsessed with mum mum rice biscuits and yogurt. They are his two favorite things. Esme is on a strawberry kick and also likes peaches and pears and grapes. Esme;s eating has improved a bit with the new nighttime schedule but she is still fussy and eats very little.
I will keep adding little bits to this post as I remember them until I catch up...IF I ever catch up!