So, Esme is two. What a smart and spirited little girl we have on our hands. She is a born performer and, despite her diva-like tendencies, is a very loving little girl. I can't get enough of her saying "I love you so much Mummy." I am truly blessed to be her mother and can't imagine my life without her!
Esme can:
Count to ten (she can go to 20 but sometimes misses a few numbers...just the unimportant ones;)
Sing her ABCs
Sing along to most Adele, Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift and Bruno Mars songs.
Sings just about anything, anywhere, all the time!
Ride a scooter (slowly but surely!)
Plays make believe with her dolls and doggy
Potty trained (blog entry to come soon!)
Put puzzles together.
Mastered the art of climbing and descending the very steep and plentiful stairs in our home.
Can spell her first name.
Can tell you her age (and mommy's age)!
Knows her colors
Her favorites
Toy: Doggy (or anything that Noah wants to play with :)
Food: Noodles
Drink: Milk
Article of clothing: Wellies/Boots
Song: Rolling in the Deep by Adele
TV Show: In the Night Garden and Waybuloo
Activity: Swimming
Indoor activity: coloring (she is already attempting to stay within the lines!)
Closest friends: Iona and Cosmo
Favorite book: Sing a song of bottoms, Little Critter books
Esme's Stats:
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Dirty Blonde/Mousy Brown
Height: 34 inches (height taken at 11 month check up)
Weight: 28 pounds (taken at 11 month check)
Percentile: 75-90
She keeps up with the big kids and is doing things that kids a lot older than her are doing. Her verbal skills are above average and she can keep up physically, too.
Favorite sayings:
"I go under the water. I cry."
"I love you so much Mummy/Daddy/Noah."
"It's much better."
"I can't see it anywhere!"
"I want milk!!! Pllllllllease Mummy/Daddy."
"That's not a toy Noah!" (This is when she wants a toy that Noah has)
She calls Noah "Noah John" most of the time.
"I don't wear nappies. Noah baby boy has nappies."
"I don't pee in my pants. My a big girl."
"Noah proper boy. My proper girl."
"It is very cold outside."
Esme is a very spirited little girl. She is known for bursting into song while in line at the post office or grocery store. She really loves to sing and dance. She requests "Abelle" (Adele) daily and absolutely loves all of her music. She loves playing outside on the swings and the slide, riding her scooter (very slowly and carefully) and playing with her friends.
If she finds a piano or keyboard she will play and sing a song of her own creation or a song she knows. Her musical genes have definitely come through!
We love you Esme Jean. Thank you for bringing so much love and energy to our lives! xx