I am still 100 years behind on this blog but wanted to record a few things that have happened recently that I never want to forget!
Noah has started humming to songs and even tries to sing sometimes. It is too cute.
Esme sings all. the. time. She knows songs I am pretty sure I have never played....
Noah says "Want that," "kitty cat," "car," and a few other things. He talks a lot and sounds very convinced with what he is saying.
The kids both go to Boppin' Bunnies, Monkey Music and swimming lessons. Esme also does baby ballet. Noah was doing baby ballet but we can't fit it in at the moment. Hoping to add it back soon :)
The kids now have a set bedtime routine. Because we bed shared, it was hard to get them to bed at a reasonable time. We finally buckled down and started getting them to bed by 8:30 which means bath at 8 followed by books and bed! The light evenings and fine weather have allowed us to spend a lot of time in our garden tuckering them out before bed. Esme still whines a bit and tells us she has to go potty a few times before she settles but she has really improved and goes down without too much trouble.
Esme is dry through the night. She is so proud that she doesn't have night time nappies at all any more. She had one accident while we were away in Paris (I think as a result of unfamiliar surroundings and a lot of liquids due to the heat) but she is very good at getting up and telling us she needs to go potty. We are so proud of her!
Esme has started calling Stephen and I random name. I am either Mummy, mom or ma ma and Stephen gets Daddy, dad and da da! I don't know where this came from but she has a habit of shortening things to suit her fancy.
She still calls #2 going crocodile and often tells me "It is just a little croc." This kid is funny and has personality for days. I still have no idea why she decided to start calling them that. Sometimes she says snowman or teddy bear but I think it is just to see me laugh. She has an imagination on her!
She wants to use a big girl swing now, not a baby swing (in our garden).
She knows how to tease. I will say I don't want something and she will make me laugh by saying "Oh, you want this??" Again, she is too funny.
They both had conjunctivitis (pink eye) for the first time. Noah had it first and his eyes were really bad. Breast milk in the eyes helped a lot but we ended up getting a prescription because we were going to Paris. We had the meds by the time Esme showed first signs so her eyes never got really red, just goopy.
Noah is walking steadily and can now stand up without holding on to anything. He really zooms around and gets where he needs to go. He loves swings and slides and shows no fear when exploring! A proper little boy!
Noah has 8 teeth. His 7th tooth arrived on his birthday and the 8th one arrived soon after we returned home from Seattle. He has had 5 haircuts (the fifth was on cinco de mayo- very fitting!).
He is obsessed with mum mum rice biscuits and yogurt. They are his two favorite things. Esme is on a strawberry kick and also likes peaches and pears and grapes. Esme;s eating has improved a bit with the new nighttime schedule but she is still fussy and eats very little.
I will keep adding little bits to this post as I remember them until I catch up...IF I ever catch up!
Friday, June 1, 2012
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
6 weeks away (Part 1)
So, my New Year's resolution to keep up with this blog has been an almighty FAIL. I am going to start from our trip to the States in March and then, once I am caught up, work on the back log. This blogging stuff is harder than I imagined!
Six weeks at home sounded like a great idea. I had fun but that is a hen of a long time to be away from your own bed and schedule. I know the kids benefitted from seeing family and friends they rarely get to see so it was worth it but it was a lot of work!
The plane ride went pretty smoothly. I was alone with the children and it was a day time flight so it was a lot like hard work at times. I was lucky that they both slept for about an hour at the same time but other than that they were up the entire time. When Esme went to the bathroom I had to take Noah and hope that a flight attendant would hold him so he wouldn't crawl down the aisle somewhere. Both of the kids were really well behaved but each of them had their moments. I am super glad that I invested in toddler head phones for each of them- total lifesaver! Noah wasn't very interested but they were great for Esme. They even had one of her favorite programs, In the Night Garden, on demand.
We arrived in Seattle and settled in at Great Grandma and Grandpa Kennedy's house. They moved out into their motor home for the time that we were there and gave us the run of the house. Grandma Julie and Grandpa Gordy made sure that we were all stocked up on diapers and baby food so we were set! A big thanks to everyone who made us feel so welcome!
I am going by memory so I apologize if I miss anything major. I also rely on pictures taken to remind me what we did! One of the first things I can remember doing was setting up a play date with friends at the Imagine Children's Museum. It was super exciting because I got to see my old friend Kendell and her little girl Harper! I hadn't seen Kendell in a few years and was excited to see her looking happy and healthy! Harper is a little doll and was a ham for the camera- she would pose every time I aimed the camera at her!
Michelle also came with Avery and Kenley. Esme and Aves are best buds and we have already arranged Noah and Kenley's marriage ;)
Great Grandma Mardine was there...
Grandma Julie was there...
Auntie Steph was there...
Auntie/Godmama Tiffy was there...
And Uncle/Godfather James was there...
The kids had a great time there- it really is one of the best places for kids that I have found!
The outdoor play area is great. There is a really tall slide and daredevils Avery and Esme went straight to the top with Uncle James. Avery went first and she flew like a sack of potatoes! It scared her but she was ok!
Here are some shots of the kiddies having fun:
We made memories and I am looking forward to having a meet up there the next time we are in town! After the museum a handful of us went to Tampico's, my favorite Mexican, and had a good laugh! Esme and Avery were dancing around and Uncle James was doing the chicken dance with them.
Auntie Steph caught the girls playing with salt in a hidden booth- you'd have to hear the story from her but it was pretty cute!
Six weeks at home sounded like a great idea. I had fun but that is a hen of a long time to be away from your own bed and schedule. I know the kids benefitted from seeing family and friends they rarely get to see so it was worth it but it was a lot of work!
The plane ride went pretty smoothly. I was alone with the children and it was a day time flight so it was a lot like hard work at times. I was lucky that they both slept for about an hour at the same time but other than that they were up the entire time. When Esme went to the bathroom I had to take Noah and hope that a flight attendant would hold him so he wouldn't crawl down the aisle somewhere. Both of the kids were really well behaved but each of them had their moments. I am super glad that I invested in toddler head phones for each of them- total lifesaver! Noah wasn't very interested but they were great for Esme. They even had one of her favorite programs, In the Night Garden, on demand.
We arrived in Seattle and settled in at Great Grandma and Grandpa Kennedy's house. They moved out into their motor home for the time that we were there and gave us the run of the house. Grandma Julie and Grandpa Gordy made sure that we were all stocked up on diapers and baby food so we were set! A big thanks to everyone who made us feel so welcome!
I am going by memory so I apologize if I miss anything major. I also rely on pictures taken to remind me what we did! One of the first things I can remember doing was setting up a play date with friends at the Imagine Children's Museum. It was super exciting because I got to see my old friend Kendell and her little girl Harper! I hadn't seen Kendell in a few years and was excited to see her looking happy and healthy! Harper is a little doll and was a ham for the camera- she would pose every time I aimed the camera at her!
Michelle also came with Avery and Kenley. Esme and Aves are best buds and we have already arranged Noah and Kenley's marriage ;)
Great Grandma Mardine was there...
Grandma Julie was there...
Auntie Steph was there...
Auntie/Godmama Tiffy was there...
And Uncle/Godfather James was there...
The kids had a great time there- it really is one of the best places for kids that I have found!
The outdoor play area is great. There is a really tall slide and daredevils Avery and Esme went straight to the top with Uncle James. Avery went first and she flew like a sack of potatoes! It scared her but she was ok!
Here are some shots of the kiddies having fun:
We made memories and I am looking forward to having a meet up there the next time we are in town! After the museum a handful of us went to Tampico's, my favorite Mexican, and had a good laugh! Esme and Avery were dancing around and Uncle James was doing the chicken dance with them.
Auntie Steph caught the girls playing with salt in a hidden booth- you'd have to hear the story from her but it was pretty cute!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
More parties and Bluebell
On December 19 We went to a kids Christmas party that was put on by Stephen's work. You could tell that they put a lot of effort into the party- games, food, performances, Santa and presents! The kids each got a nice present (Noah, stackable blocks and Esme a shape sorter) which was unexpected and lovely. Esme had her hand painted and enjoyed joining in with the games, even if she was a bit too small! She was a bit shy at first but eventually came around and had a good time.
Here is their Santa picture
After the party we got to go and see Daddy's desk
Esme was the only person excited to be riding the train that day.
The 20th was Esme's actual birthday but because she had a few big events in a row, we thought it best to have a relaxed day.
On the 22nd, we went to the Bluebell Railway with Adam, Natalie, Jack and Isabella. Nat had a deal on tickets and invited us along. We had our own carriage and a hamper full of Christmas treats and drink. The day got off to a bit of a slow start as our carriage broke down and had to be removed. We had a first class carriage and were moved to a third (not that there was much of a difference). They gave us a refund for the difference and the kids weren't bothered. In fact, they got to sit on the train for an extra hour longer than they would have otherwise and they loved it!
The first sign of trouble
Here are some pics of the journey

Here is their Santa picture
After the party we got to go and see Daddy's desk
Esme was the only person excited to be riding the train that day.
The 20th was Esme's actual birthday but because she had a few big events in a row, we thought it best to have a relaxed day.
On the 22nd, we went to the Bluebell Railway with Adam, Natalie, Jack and Isabella. Nat had a deal on tickets and invited us along. We had our own carriage and a hamper full of Christmas treats and drink. The day got off to a bit of a slow start as our carriage broke down and had to be removed. We had a first class carriage and were moved to a third (not that there was much of a difference). They gave us a refund for the difference and the kids weren't bothered. In fact, they got to sit on the train for an extra hour longer than they would have otherwise and they loved it!
The first sign of trouble
Here are some pics of the journey
As most of you know, Esme is a very picky eater. I was surprised when she attempted a pork pie...
Noah had a breadstick
More pics...
It was an absolutely beautiful day and all of the kids were on their best behavior! We can't wait to do it again next year. At the end of the ride we got to see Santa and the kids were given little gifts. Esme was really tired at this point and wasn't too impressed. To be fair...not the most convincing Father Christmas ;)
We went over Adam and Nat's house for a visit and a cuppa and then headed home. Many thanks to the Banks family for including us in such a great day out! xx
Here is a video of Esme on the "Steaming Train." She started calling it that and still does to this day. It is such a cute little video...
On the 23rd, Our dear friends David and Krystal Scott (from NY) welcomed baby Charlotte Josephine Marie to the world. Congrats to mommy and daddy and big sister Savannah! We can't wait to meet her- she is beautiful!
Monday, February 6, 2012
Esme at 2
So, Esme is two. What a smart and spirited little girl we have on our hands. She is a born performer and, despite her diva-like tendencies, is a very loving little girl. I can't get enough of her saying "I love you so much Mummy." I am truly blessed to be her mother and can't imagine my life without her!
Esme can:
Count to ten (she can go to 20 but sometimes misses a few numbers...just the unimportant ones;)
Sing her ABCs
Sing along to most Adele, Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift and Bruno Mars songs.
Sings just about anything, anywhere, all the time!
Ride a scooter (slowly but surely!)
Plays make believe with her dolls and doggy
Potty trained (blog entry to come soon!)
Put puzzles together.
Mastered the art of climbing and descending the very steep and plentiful stairs in our home.
Can spell her first name.
Can tell you her age (and mommy's age)!
Knows her colors
Her favorites
Toy: Doggy (or anything that Noah wants to play with :)
Food: Noodles
Drink: Milk
Article of clothing: Wellies/Boots
Song: Rolling in the Deep by Adele
TV Show: In the Night Garden and Waybuloo
Activity: Swimming
Indoor activity: coloring (she is already attempting to stay within the lines!)
Closest friends: Iona and Cosmo
Favorite book: Sing a song of bottoms, Little Critter books
Esme's Stats:
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Dirty Blonde/Mousy Brown
Height: 34 inches (height taken at 11 month check up)
Weight: 28 pounds (taken at 11 month check)
Percentile: 75-90
She keeps up with the big kids and is doing things that kids a lot older than her are doing. Her verbal skills are above average and she can keep up physically, too.
Favorite sayings:
"I go under the water. I cry."
"I love you so much Mummy/Daddy/Noah."
"It's much better."
"I can't see it anywhere!"
"I want milk!!! Pllllllllease Mummy/Daddy."
"That's not a toy Noah!" (This is when she wants a toy that Noah has)
She calls Noah "Noah John" most of the time.
"I don't wear nappies. Noah baby boy has nappies."
"I don't pee in my pants. My a big girl."
"Noah proper boy. My proper girl."
"It is very cold outside."
Esme is a very spirited little girl. She is known for bursting into song while in line at the post office or grocery store. She really loves to sing and dance. She requests "Abelle" (Adele) daily and absolutely loves all of her music. She loves playing outside on the swings and the slide, riding her scooter (very slowly and carefully) and playing with her friends.
If she finds a piano or keyboard she will play and sing a song of her own creation or a song she knows. Her musical genes have definitely come through!
We love you Esme Jean. Thank you for bringing so much love and energy to our lives! xx
Esme can:
Count to ten (she can go to 20 but sometimes misses a few numbers...just the unimportant ones;)
Sing her ABCs
Sing along to most Adele, Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift and Bruno Mars songs.
Sings just about anything, anywhere, all the time!
Ride a scooter (slowly but surely!)
Plays make believe with her dolls and doggy
Potty trained (blog entry to come soon!)
Put puzzles together.
Mastered the art of climbing and descending the very steep and plentiful stairs in our home.
Can spell her first name.
Can tell you her age (and mommy's age)!
Knows her colors
Her favorites
Toy: Doggy (or anything that Noah wants to play with :)
Food: Noodles
Drink: Milk
Article of clothing: Wellies/Boots
Song: Rolling in the Deep by Adele
TV Show: In the Night Garden and Waybuloo
Activity: Swimming
Indoor activity: coloring (she is already attempting to stay within the lines!)
Closest friends: Iona and Cosmo
Favorite book: Sing a song of bottoms, Little Critter books
Esme's Stats:
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Dirty Blonde/Mousy Brown
Height: 34 inches (height taken at 11 month check up)
Weight: 28 pounds (taken at 11 month check)
Percentile: 75-90
She keeps up with the big kids and is doing things that kids a lot older than her are doing. Her verbal skills are above average and she can keep up physically, too.
Favorite sayings:
"I go under the water. I cry."
"I love you so much Mummy/Daddy/Noah."
"It's much better."
"I can't see it anywhere!"
"I want milk!!! Pllllllllease Mummy/Daddy."
"That's not a toy Noah!" (This is when she wants a toy that Noah has)
She calls Noah "Noah John" most of the time.
"I don't wear nappies. Noah baby boy has nappies."
"I don't pee in my pants. My a big girl."
"Noah proper boy. My proper girl."
"It is very cold outside."
Esme is a very spirited little girl. She is known for bursting into song while in line at the post office or grocery store. She really loves to sing and dance. She requests "Abelle" (Adele) daily and absolutely loves all of her music. She loves playing outside on the swings and the slide, riding her scooter (very slowly and carefully) and playing with her friends.
If she finds a piano or keyboard she will play and sing a song of her own creation or a song she knows. Her musical genes have definitely come through!
We love you Esme Jean. Thank you for bringing so much love and energy to our lives! xx
Esme's 2nd Brithday
On December 18th, we had Esme's 2nd birthday party! Here is a look at her invitations...
We went with a hungry caterpillar theme after selecting a caterpillar cake from Costco. Abput 20 people showed up and it was a really good time. I think our house was at maximum capacity and the mess was HUGE...but it was all worth it. Esme wore her birthday outfit from her Godmother Abbie and looked absolutely adorable. Here are some pictures from the big day...
Noah got to spend some time with his godparents (minus Jamers).
Noah also tried to get in on the cake action. He wasn't impressed that all of the other kids were given cake and he didn't! He saw an opening and he took it!
Here is a picture of her cake
It was a cold day (as it tends to be in December;), but the kids did manage to spend some time in the garden.
Esme's friends Cosmo and Iona came
Mommy's friend Michelle and her kids Georgia, Alfie and Freddie came. Georgia was a big help with Noah and practically held him the entire time.
Esme thought it was very special that her big cousins Stuart and Miles were able to share her special day with her. Granddad and Grandma Bailey and Auntie Helen and Uncle Adrian were there, too! Miles was especially happy because he won pass the parcel!
Here is Miles showing off his prize.
The kids also played musical statues (at the suggestion of Stuart) and Stuart won the prize!
Jack, Issy, Adam and Nat also made it to the party (see pics above)! It was choas in a small house but it was worth it and we all had fun!
Everyone was very generous with their gifts and Esme sends lots of love to you all. Here are a few pics of her opening her presents.
Not only was everyone at the party generous to Miss Esme, but she also received several parcels from the US and UK. Grandma Julie and Grandpa Gordy sent her a pair of American Girl bitty twins. Great Grandma and Grandpa Bajema sent her some lovely Dresses, a ballet bag and a light switch cover. Godmother Abbie Sent her the birthday outfit. Grandpa John and Grandma Gale sent her a bike trailer. Godmother Tiff and Paul sent her some Melissa and Doug stamps (I accidently had her open Noah's trunki but it all got sorted out in the end). Grandpa Dave and Grandma Vicki sent her some v tech alphabet magnets and a car garage. Great Grandpa and Grandma Kennedy sent her a check to buy herself something nice. Godfather Mike and Veronica sent her a lovely keyboard. What a lucky girl to have so many amazing people in her life!
Esme sends a big thanks out to everyone who got her a gift. She really did get spoiled and felt like a princess on her special day! xx
Here is a clip of Esme singing Bruno Mars at her party- she really gets into it at the end!
We went with a hungry caterpillar theme after selecting a caterpillar cake from Costco. Abput 20 people showed up and it was a really good time. I think our house was at maximum capacity and the mess was HUGE...but it was all worth it. Esme wore her birthday outfit from her Godmother Abbie and looked absolutely adorable. Here are some pictures from the big day...
Noah got to spend some time with his godparents (minus Jamers).
Noah also tried to get in on the cake action. He wasn't impressed that all of the other kids were given cake and he didn't! He saw an opening and he took it!
Here is a picture of her cake
It was a cold day (as it tends to be in December;), but the kids did manage to spend some time in the garden.
Esme's friends Cosmo and Iona came
Mommy's friend Michelle and her kids Georgia, Alfie and Freddie came. Georgia was a big help with Noah and practically held him the entire time.
Esme thought it was very special that her big cousins Stuart and Miles were able to share her special day with her. Granddad and Grandma Bailey and Auntie Helen and Uncle Adrian were there, too! Miles was especially happy because he won pass the parcel!
Here is Miles showing off his prize.
The kids also played musical statues (at the suggestion of Stuart) and Stuart won the prize!
Jack, Issy, Adam and Nat also made it to the party (see pics above)! It was choas in a small house but it was worth it and we all had fun!
Everyone was very generous with their gifts and Esme sends lots of love to you all. Here are a few pics of her opening her presents.
Not only was everyone at the party generous to Miss Esme, but she also received several parcels from the US and UK. Grandma Julie and Grandpa Gordy sent her a pair of American Girl bitty twins. Great Grandma and Grandpa Bajema sent her some lovely Dresses, a ballet bag and a light switch cover. Godmother Abbie Sent her the birthday outfit. Grandpa John and Grandma Gale sent her a bike trailer. Godmother Tiff and Paul sent her some Melissa and Doug stamps (I accidently had her open Noah's trunki but it all got sorted out in the end). Grandpa Dave and Grandma Vicki sent her some v tech alphabet magnets and a car garage. Great Grandpa and Grandma Kennedy sent her a check to buy herself something nice. Godfather Mike and Veronica sent her a lovely keyboard. What a lucky girl to have so many amazing people in her life!
Esme sends a big thanks out to everyone who got her a gift. She really did get spoiled and felt like a princess on her special day! xx
Here is a clip of Esme singing Bruno Mars at her party- she really gets into it at the end!
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