A few days before her christening, Esme came down with a fever. It was preceded by three incidents of projectile vomiting (twice on daddy and once in our bed in the middle of the night) but at that stage she had no fever and was acting otherwise normally.
My mom arrived in town for the christening just in time to help! Her fever climbed to 103.7 and she wasn't feeling well at all. I knew the only thing we could do was try to break her temperature and keep it down. Two days of children's Advil and pedialyte and she was feeling much better. I called the doctor on day 3, just to be cautious and they wanted to see her. They said I made the correct decision not to call earlier (all they would have done was tell me to break the fever) but more than two days of a fever warranted a visit. By the time we saw the doctor her temperature was normal and she was in good spirits.
On November 9, 2010, Esme got her first tooth! It was her upper left lateral incisor! This was also the first tooth I got (the vampire tooth!). Stephen and I both got our first teeth fairly late as well so it is interesting to see Ez follow in our footsteps!
Babies generally get their bottom middle teeth first, but not Esme! She is a rebel. The next day (11/10/2010) she got her second tooth which was her upper left central incisor (front tooth).
This picture was taken a few weeks after the teeth made their first appearance but it is the only shot I have been able to get. She does not like people looking at or feeling her teeth!

Her teething hasn't been too horrible. She did get her first diaper rash as a result but with the help of fabulous Bordeaux's Butt Paste, it cleared in a day or so and hasn't returned.
On November 13, 2010 at 10 months and 3 weeks, Miss Esme Jean Bailey took her first steps! She took a few spills on the road to walking but is now a walking machine! She can Walk, turn, kneel down and stand up, bend over and pick things up and stand up without holding on to anything. She is an absolute terror but I am so proud of her!
These videos were taken about a week after her real first steps. She is still wobbly in these videos but you can see she made progress.
This one is a bit dark but is one of the earliest successful videos.
In this one she is getting a bit better...
This one is more recent and you can see she has made vast improvement! Sorry it is sideways!
She is an absolute pro now (12/2/2010) and walks just about everywhere. She still crawls on occasion but is getting a lot more comfortable on her feet! I will try and get an "expert" video soon!
Esme also had another first near the end of November. She got her first cat scratch. The kitties would never go after her or hurt her intentionally. She just happened to try to "pet" them while they were playing and got a scratch across her eye. She was upset for a moment but got over it and still loves the kitties. It is almost too bad she didn't have this scratch on Halloween...a perfect Chucky scar!
A picture of her scratch...food face and all.