June 20th was a very exciting day at our house! It was Stephen's first Father's day, Esme's six month birthday and it was the day we introduced solid food!
Esme's doctor visit went very well. She is still exceeding all of her milestones and is as healthy as a horse! Here are her measurements:
Height: 27 inches (90th percentile)
Weight: 17 pounds 10 ounces (75th Percentile)
Her percentiles are always the same and the Dr says that is the way it should be. I think she is going to be one tall girl!
Introducing solids was a very big deal for me! I was so excited and can't wait to let her taste a variety of different things. Her first food was organic brown rice cereal with breast milk. She really seemed to enjoy it.
She was really into her eating and started to get upset when the food wasn't coming fast enough!
Here is the end of the feeding....
Her first "real" food after rice cereal was avocado and she really enjoyed it. After avocado we went to carrots and she didn't seem to be a fan at first. Now she eats them without a problem but the first few tries were not successful. Next we tried sweet potatoes. She hated them. I tried them again last night and she seemed to like them better so only time will tell.
It takes a long time to introduce food because you can only introduce one new food every three days in the beginning. The most recent thing we have tried is apple and it is a big hit. She has also had teething biscuits now. I think we may try peas next.
Here are a few pictures of some of her first feeds.
For Father's day we went to Turtleback Zoo. It was very hot but we enjoy showing Esme all of the different animals and she seems to really respond to it. Near the end of our visit it started pouring down rain. It was a bit inconvenient but a welcome cool down! We also took Stephen out to lunch at one of his favorite restaurants called Houlihan's. Esme got Stephen a card and a mug with her picture on it that says "Daddy's Girl."