Wrenny Rue
She has been rocking and a rolling for some time now. I was over at my dad's house on July 24th and Wren was laying on the porch in the shade. It was HOT. Christine came over with Chloe and Logan and asked me when Wren started rolling....uuummmmmm? Now? I missed it. But There she was, laying on her tummy! From that point on I couldn't get her to stay still. No more sitting on the sofa for my little ginga.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Catch me if you can :)
We have had a brilliant Summer and really enjoyed our trip to the states. The kids did amazingly well on the plane. On the way there Noah made it about 9.5 hours before he had a melt down and I think that is pretty commendable. 10 hours in a plane is a tall order for a 2 year old and I think he did very well. I am not rushing to book another flight on my own anytime soon...but it wasn't as bad as I feared it would be. Birdy was an angel (didn't make a peep) and Esme was perfect bar a few whines here and there. A lady at the end of the flight told me my kids were a credit to me :)
I am not going to blog about our whole trip at the mo. I don't have the time or the energy. What I want to focus on are the relationships that were fostered, the relationships that were lost and the friendships that were made. You would think that 7 weeks would be long enough to squeeze just about everything in, but if I learned one thing this trip is that I will never have enough time. My weekends were fairly booked up with wedding related stuff (I was MOH in my childhood bestie's wedding) and when people work M-F that makes catching up a bit more difficult.
We got to spend a lot of time with my mom, my grandparents, my dad and a handful of friends. Esme got some cousin time with her cousin and new bestie Chloe. We didn't get to spend a lot of time with Grandpa Gordy (due to work schedule) and many friends and family members.
We got to spend a lot of time in my mom's new house- something I am incredibly proud of her for achieving.
Megan threw me a welcome home celebration downtown with some of my favorite people.
We took a lovely trip to Vegas to visit with my Great Grands Bajema.
I saw a dear old friend in Vegas.
I threw a bridal shower and a bachelorette party.
I watched my oldest friend marry a great guy and the father of her beautiful twin babies.
I went to Pride with my best friend (and his dad!) and some more of my best friends (and one of their babies!).
Esme built "blue car" with her Grandpa Gordy.
We spent time with my Dad and Gale who threw a BBQ for us with tons of friends and family.
We went berry picking with GG Mardine.
We went to Mount Rainier National Park for the first time.
We went to Kla-Ha-Ya days and Tour De Terrace with Grandma Julie and Papa.
Wren started rolling and sitting on her own.
I made new friends.
I reconnected with old friends (Joya, Tricia, Kendell).
I lost a friend.
It was a beautiful trip. Until next time, Seattle xxxxx
I am not going to blog about our whole trip at the mo. I don't have the time or the energy. What I want to focus on are the relationships that were fostered, the relationships that were lost and the friendships that were made. You would think that 7 weeks would be long enough to squeeze just about everything in, but if I learned one thing this trip is that I will never have enough time. My weekends were fairly booked up with wedding related stuff (I was MOH in my childhood bestie's wedding) and when people work M-F that makes catching up a bit more difficult.
We got to spend a lot of time with my mom, my grandparents, my dad and a handful of friends. Esme got some cousin time with her cousin and new bestie Chloe. We didn't get to spend a lot of time with Grandpa Gordy (due to work schedule) and many friends and family members.
We got to spend a lot of time in my mom's new house- something I am incredibly proud of her for achieving.
Megan threw me a welcome home celebration downtown with some of my favorite people.
We took a lovely trip to Vegas to visit with my Great Grands Bajema.
I saw a dear old friend in Vegas.
I threw a bridal shower and a bachelorette party.
I watched my oldest friend marry a great guy and the father of her beautiful twin babies.
I went to Pride with my best friend (and his dad!) and some more of my best friends (and one of their babies!).
Esme built "blue car" with her Grandpa Gordy.
We spent time with my Dad and Gale who threw a BBQ for us with tons of friends and family.
We went berry picking with GG Mardine.
We went to Mount Rainier National Park for the first time.
We went to Kla-Ha-Ya days and Tour De Terrace with Grandma Julie and Papa.
Wren started rolling and sitting on her own.
I made new friends.
I reconnected with old friends (Joya, Tricia, Kendell).
I lost a friend.
It was a beautiful trip. Until next time, Seattle xxxxx
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Three and out?
I always say that I would be the next 19 kids and counting if I could afford it. And I mean it. I really enjoy this whole parenthood thing. Are there days when I have turned blue in the face from so much shouting? Yes. Do they drive me to the occasional drink? Absolutely. But I wouldn't trade it for the world. I say we are three and out...but are we really? Ask me again after I have taken my 10 hour intercontinental flight with the three of them on my own.
I am starting to settle into the area a bit more. I have been going to local NCT play groups and even went to a Ladies Pamper Evening last night. Baby steps. People always act shocked when I talk about how stressful I find friend making. They assume because I am chatty I am a natural social butterfly. The truth is, I find it a lot like hard work. But I am getting there.
I also went out to dinner with the mums and teachers of St. Margaret's Nursery and Transition class. If there is one reason to stay in the area it is that school. I love it so much. We may become homeless street people in an effort to afford it, but we will do our best to make sure the kids get the best education we can afford.
I am also taking a NHS Breastfeeding Peer Support course. I had pretty much zero support when I had Esme and I want to be able to help people like me nurse successfully. I am also hoping it will get me out in the community working and meeting people.
Wren is a champ. She is nursing and sleeping like a pro. At her 10 week check she was 12 pounds 2 ounces and 25 inches. She is a going to be a TALL drink of water.

Noah is potty trained! He has the occasional accident but is now requesting the potty instead of me forcing it upon him every five minutes. Potty trained at 2 is pretty good for a boy and we are pretty proud! I carry around one of those seat inserts so that he feels more comfortable but hopefully we can lose them in the near future. I also worry about sprayage ;) Boy training hasn't been as bad as I was warned it would be, but it has been totally different.
Esme is so smart. She is looking forward to transition this September. One of the best thing about St. Mag's is that the classes are small and the kids build close relationships with their classmates. In some ways I wish she could start reception (kindergarten) this fall. A lot of her friends are six months older than her and are starting reception this fall. I think she is ready but I have to go with the system and they system says she starts next September.
The picture of Jessie and Buzz is my favorite- Ethan and Esme are best buds! x

Colds are plaguing our house again. I thought that season was over but here we are in May with green runny noses and mild coughs. Even Miss Wrenny has a little cold. Lucky for her my breastmilk should mean she gets a milder version and gets better more quickly. I need one of those shirts that says "I make milk. What's your super power?"
Just a few little notes:
I also need a shirt for Noah that says "This is why we can't have nice things." He is such a ball of energy and is oh so messy! I am not the best house keeper as it is and Mr. NJ doesn't make my task any easier!
I am thinking about getting back into bow making. I would also like to learn how to use a sewing machine. Also considering going back to work in the Fall or Winter and getting an Au Pair.
The Giving Tree makes me very sad when I read it. I love Shel Silverstein but I can't take that book. *tear*
I love Dr. Suess and am terribly sad to be missing Esme's end of the year play "Suessical the Musical" as a result of our trip to Seattle. I had no idea about it until this past wednesday. Lachrymose is not the word.
Esme's hair is crazy long, ya'll.

Here are some pictures I love from when Mike and Veronica came to visit when I was in Budapest...

Fun at the country park

The new bouncy pillows at Marsh Farm

Summer fun in our garden!

He loves his baby. He often says "Oh baby! Oh Honey, honey!" When she cries. He loves to kiss her. And poke her in the eyes.

I am starting to settle into the area a bit more. I have been going to local NCT play groups and even went to a Ladies Pamper Evening last night. Baby steps. People always act shocked when I talk about how stressful I find friend making. They assume because I am chatty I am a natural social butterfly. The truth is, I find it a lot like hard work. But I am getting there.
I also went out to dinner with the mums and teachers of St. Margaret's Nursery and Transition class. If there is one reason to stay in the area it is that school. I love it so much. We may become homeless street people in an effort to afford it, but we will do our best to make sure the kids get the best education we can afford.
I am also taking a NHS Breastfeeding Peer Support course. I had pretty much zero support when I had Esme and I want to be able to help people like me nurse successfully. I am also hoping it will get me out in the community working and meeting people.
Wren is a champ. She is nursing and sleeping like a pro. At her 10 week check she was 12 pounds 2 ounces and 25 inches. She is a going to be a TALL drink of water.

Noah is potty trained! He has the occasional accident but is now requesting the potty instead of me forcing it upon him every five minutes. Potty trained at 2 is pretty good for a boy and we are pretty proud! I carry around one of those seat inserts so that he feels more comfortable but hopefully we can lose them in the near future. I also worry about sprayage ;) Boy training hasn't been as bad as I was warned it would be, but it has been totally different.
Esme is so smart. She is looking forward to transition this September. One of the best thing about St. Mag's is that the classes are small and the kids build close relationships with their classmates. In some ways I wish she could start reception (kindergarten) this fall. A lot of her friends are six months older than her and are starting reception this fall. I think she is ready but I have to go with the system and they system says she starts next September.
The picture of Jessie and Buzz is my favorite- Ethan and Esme are best buds! x

Colds are plaguing our house again. I thought that season was over but here we are in May with green runny noses and mild coughs. Even Miss Wrenny has a little cold. Lucky for her my breastmilk should mean she gets a milder version and gets better more quickly. I need one of those shirts that says "I make milk. What's your super power?"
Just a few little notes:
I also need a shirt for Noah that says "This is why we can't have nice things." He is such a ball of energy and is oh so messy! I am not the best house keeper as it is and Mr. NJ doesn't make my task any easier!
I am thinking about getting back into bow making. I would also like to learn how to use a sewing machine. Also considering going back to work in the Fall or Winter and getting an Au Pair.
The Giving Tree makes me very sad when I read it. I love Shel Silverstein but I can't take that book. *tear*
I love Dr. Suess and am terribly sad to be missing Esme's end of the year play "Suessical the Musical" as a result of our trip to Seattle. I had no idea about it until this past wednesday. Lachrymose is not the word.
Esme's hair is crazy long, ya'll.

Here are some pictures I love from when Mike and Veronica came to visit when I was in Budapest...
Fun at the country park

The new bouncy pillows at Marsh Farm
Summer fun in our garden!

He loves his baby. He often says "Oh baby! Oh Honey, honey!" When she cries. He loves to kiss her. And poke her in the eyes.

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